A guy named Jacky came all the way from singapore to learn barbering from me. 



I thought it was good to instill some different kind of “training”.

Training for the soul. 

So I brought him to few places.

Charis Old Folks Home in Mantin.

Jacky and me have some similiar background . We both have psoriasis skin issue and our dad passed away in recent years. It’s good to be a brother a mentor to him….Cus there’s so much we both can talked about. Bringing him here and giving haircuts to some of the old folks does feel like giving haircuts to our old man.


Then I brought him to meet out street friends.

For the first time , he sees the dark side of KL. Here we met our friend , Panjang , Joe and Ani. They’re still high on drug (glue) while we were cutting their hair. It wasn’t easy for us as it’s risky but we went ahead and strike a conversation with them and try to find out more.

When we see them somehow around our age, it’s disappointing , sad and heartache at the same time. 





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At the end of the day, I just want to share more than just my barbering and hairdressing skill, I want to be able to Inspire and share the love of my Daddy in heaven and to bring Heaven to earth… To some , living on earth may be like hell.

After we end our haircut session, Jacky hop into my car and break down in tears. Manly tears.

 It was a mixed feeling experiencing the dark side of this city . Talking and cutting hair with the homeless , drug addicted young people . It wasn’t easy to bring a change to them but we believe in one step at a time. It first begin with building a relationship.

Jacky quoted …

Cutting hair doesn’t change them, it changed me.

My goal  accomplished.

